Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (Li-ESWT) for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a non-invasive treatment which involves passing low-intensity acoustic waves extracorporeally into the penile muscle. Typically, low-intensity shockwaves are used to promote accelerated tissue repair, cell growth, analgesia and mobility restoration.
Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or Li-ESWT is a type of treatment for ED in which low-intensity shockwave treatments are applied to different areas of the penis resulting in the stimulation of new blood vessel growth, which promotes more blood flow to the deprived penis, enabling an erection.
Li-ESWT is a therapy in which short pulses of focussed shock waves with low intensity are focused at the penile muscle to improve erectile function. It consists of multiple sessions of fixed intervals, and it can be repeated if found necessary.
Shockwave therapy for ED uses about one-tenth of the energy used in an ESWL to avoid damaging any tissue in the penis. This treatment technique is still being researched in many parts of the world. Discuss with your doctor if Li-ESWT is the right treatment for you and if it is available in your area.
An Erectile dysfunction (ED) patient can have many causes for the ailment, but it is noticed that 90% of men with ED have an indication of a medical issue relating to cardiovascular disease or diabetes. As arterial stenosis in these patients is very common it also restricts blood flow to the penis, Sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis) are medication taken that try to dilate blood vessels to correct this issue. But this is temporary.
Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection strong enough to achieve a comfortable penetration and one in ten male adults will have erectile dysfunction irrespective of age for an extended period of time.
Li-ESWT Shock waves that have a very high amplitude and a sudden decay time generate a pressure that is focused on the penile muscle. This therapy device the TMC-Stum improves blood flow by dissolving plaque buildup in the penis and promoting the formation of new blood vessels. Thus giving it a long-lasting therapeutic benefit.
TMC-Stum treatment transducer with an 85mm diameter is used as an applicator to treat twice a week for six weeks a total of 12 times. The intensity may be set at 8.5KV to start with and the pulse frequency of 100 per minute
The position of treatment is in the distal, body and crura of each left and right side of the penis cavernous body. Each site is administered between 300-400 shockwaves a total of between 1800-2400 shockwaves.
The treatment is simple and without pain, the patient lays in a supine position on the bed with the attending doctor holding the shockwave transducer on the surface of the penile shaft in any required position. The transducer will emit low-intensity pulses of shockwaves to the arteries in the penis. As decided by the doctor a specific number of pulses will be administered at different locations of the penile shaft with each session typically lasting around 15 - 20 minutes
The effects last a long time by correcting the cause of erectile dysfunction (ED). Li-ESWT improves blood flow to the area by facilitating the development of new blood vessels in the cavernosal tissues of the penis. There is no pain during the procedure. The resulting post-complete treatment is an improved hardness and quality of erection